Orders are generally dispatched within 1-5 working days, sometimes sooner. You will receive a dispatch email when your order has been dispatched, please check your SPAM/Junk box just in case it slips in there. If you cannot find your dispatch email or think you may have deleted it, contact us and we can give you real time information on whether your order has been dispatched or not.
Before contacting us, please take your time to read through our FAQs which may provide the answer to your questions. If you cannot find your answer and want to get in touch then please contact us through our contact us page.
If you have put in the incorrect delivery address on your order then please contact us with 24 hours. If your order hasn't been shipped then we can update your delivery address but if the order has been shipped then unfortunately there is nothing we can do.
We always try our best to accomodate you, however if your order has already been shipped then we cannot cancel your order.
If you would like to change your order then please contact us ASAP. We will try our best to accomodate any changes providing your order hasn't already been shipped. If your order has been shipped then we will not be able to change the order.
If you order has taken longer than 20 working days from dispatch then please contact us and we will look into it for you.
We apologize for any delay in delivery.
There's a good chance that our email has ended up in your SPAM/JUNK folder so please check there. If you still cannot find it and would like it resent then please let us know.
When you receive your dispatched email you can contact us for an update on your tracking.
We accept all major credit and debit cards through the Stripe. We also accept PayPal payments as well. If your card was declined then please do not worry, simply contact us and we will advise you.